Friday, July 13, 2012

Van Rompuy, Obama - Is it Change Or Chains

No doubt the plight of homosexuals is on the top of the list of social problems perceived in the EU because this week a meeting is taking place in Europe to address the fact that not everyone is getting onboard with the gay agenda. Homophobia, transphobia and other forms of sexual orientation discrimination is said to still exist in the EU on a larger scale than the Union wants to see.

Some sixty countries around the world are not on the same page as the EU including Catholics across the globe that are lead and or tutored by the Pope. Some countries not only don't think it is a big issue but they would prefer not to promote the gay lifestyle in any way. While they are generally disregarded by most members of the G-20 they nevertheless are not moved by the EU concerns or the recent vote at the UN General Assembly by some 66 countries. The world is clearly split over these kinds of social concerns.

Iron Man

President Obama is firmly committed to the homosexual agenda and recent promises made to the LBGT and others have caused some in the conservative movement and the evangelical and Pentecostal churches to shudder. It is also clear that the church's concerns have little bearing on the President's position to throw the doors open for the gay agenda by closing the steel doors around those who make so much as a whimper against the gays. Signing the untested and highly suspect Matthew Shepard act is the latest evidence of that.

Van Rompuy, Obama - Is it Change Or Chains

Religious freedoms and the gay agenda are on a collision course in America and this is a speeding train no mere mortal can stop.

The test will be based on whether gospel preachers, ministers, evangelists and teachers will be able to say what the Bible clearly says without being fined or imprisoned. If they are inhibited in any way, then the question becomes constitutional because the congress is bound by that document to refrain from making any laws to inhibit or promote any religion, Christian or otherwise. For the Bible and faith based churches that would spell the end of their faith not just some minor adjustment. The Bible is central to the beliefs of almost all conservative historical protestant denominations and to most of Catholicism as well.

Neither the Pope nor the leaders of most evangelical, independent and Pentecostal churches are going to stand idly by while their churches are wrecked by a social upheaval based on a sexual orientation. Whatever tests must be applied, whatever price must be paid we can be assured it will be paid.

The church could see what was coming early on in the Obama administration when he declared that the passages in the book of Romans (Ro 1:24f) penned by the Apostle Paul were only an obscure passage that needn't be taken seriously. At that point he was bucking the fact that these passages are at the very heart of the gospel message for almost every bible believing Christian in the world. They are considered reliable and are seen as the edicts of God.

Even as Van Rompuy is proclaiming a newer kinder socially softer Europe and President Obama is promising a happier sexual climate for the orientation-ally confused the church is taking one smack on the jaw! That these portents were predicted, forecast or fully prophesied seems less astounding than the complete aloofness that the new social engineers have about it all.

It's as if the commonly accepted notion that millions of homosexuals remained closeted until the time was right and the social climate had changed is actually the real answer to the modern rise in homosexual activity. The bible says that it is the rampant immorality that prevails in the last days that draws out every kind of unbridled deviant behavior. Gays in the advanced nations didn't exist in the millions as they do today in fact there were practically none by comparison only a hundred years ago, but let's not ask history to back up the bible because that too is being re-written as well by today's social engineers.

Oddly prophecy doesn't ever apologize even if some believers are perfectly comfortable with the slide into apostasy and feel the need to condescend to the emerging social tendencies of a world plunging into reprobation. Prophecy just goes on to its final destination which is complete and total fulfillment.

It took almost 40 years for me to finally ascertain the meaning of one prophecy without any doubt to its complete meaning. The passage is found in the book of Daniel. This prophet was contemporary to the weeping prophet Jeremiah and is one of only a very few Old Testament figures Jesus openly commended.

Unlike many of his contemporaries Daniel does have the distinction of having almost all of the major prophecies in his message given to him directly by the angel Gabriel. You will recall that this was the same celestial being that announced the virgin birth to Mary the mother of Jesus Christ.

Daniel had an unusual level of details revealed to him on the social climate and general activities of people in the last days. Daniel was almost 3000 years early with his prophecies but not a minute too late. He saw that knowledge would be increased and that worldwide travel would see men and women traversing the globe in ever burgeoning numbers.

One of the most unusual conditions Daniel describes in the last days speaks of the failure of a modern world to socially engineer a society where everyone is on the same level just because they decide it's going to be that way. The failure of communism and other playing field levelers will once again be ignored and society will be forced by universally mandated laws and rules to accept all behaviors in all places equally. But sadly in one single declaration the prophet proclaims the utter failure of this attempt.

Describing the nation that was once in the same geographical area as the old Roman Empire being revived in modern times Daniel said "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." (Da 2:43)

Mingling the seed of men has nothing to do with genetic engineering but it refers to social engineering of the sort that forces a one size fits all across the board. That includes religion, race, sexual orientation and every other social aspect of civilian life. It raises a huge question that very few are listening to and very few have answered. Yet, the question and its answer are almost too easy.

The question of whether it works or not is answered with an unequivocal, no. The reasons for its failure are also brutally apparent. "...they shall not cleave to each other" indicates that the human heart is the problem not the social landscape. Here is what the bible says about that inveterate deceiver known as the human heart. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart; I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." (Jer 17:9-10)

Men have rejected the heart transforming and life changing power of the gospel for 2000 years but man thinks he can legislate and enforce certain social conditions in the last few years of time as we know it and that it will actually work.

Laws will prove quite ineffective to change the narcissistic, self serving stronghold known as the human heart. Only the complete and utter abandonment to the grace of God and a full repentance from a life of sin can do what the evangelists have been calling for since the days of the early church, which is to transform the heart by the renewing of the mind.

Oddly we must return to that book our President described as obscure to discover the key to the whole matter. Once again we hear the apostle Paul say "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2)

In the end trying to legislate social behavior will turn out not to be the welcomed change everyone is clamoring for but only a new form of chains no one will be able to live with for very long.

The only question remaining is why would a nation exchange the beautiful ring of freedom for the dreaded clinking of chains and fetters for her once noble citizens? Samuel F. Smith penned the song 'My Country, 'Tis of Thee' in 1831 and in it he called for a sound to come forth from our every mountainside. Is this the day to muffle these chimes and bells for the rattle of chains?

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my father's died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring!

Van Rompuy, Obama - Is it Change Or Chains DC SHOES: KEN BLOCK'S GYMKHANA FIVE: ULTIMATE URBAN PLAYGROUND; SAN FRANCISCO Tube. Duration : 9.87 Mins.
Rating: 4.9330473

DC and Ken Block present Gymkhana FIVE: Ultimate Urban Playground; San Francisco. Shot on the actual streets of San Francisco, California, GYM5 features a focus on fast, raw and precise driving action. Filmed over four days, director Ben Conrad and his team are back to work on their second Gymkhana production and delivered the entire city of San Francisco as Ken Block's personal gymkhana playground. DC Shoes also provided fellow DC athlete and longtime Ken Block friend, Travis Pastrana, to make a cameo appearance on his dirtbike, and SF resident Jake Phelps of Thrasher Magazine fame also makes a cameo as Block hoons SF in his most incredible Gymkhana yet. For more information check us out at

Tags: Ken Block, Gymkhana, Gymkhana FIVE, GYM5, #GYM5, San Francisco, SF, urban playground, Travis Pastrana, whelie, DC Shoes, hoon, hooning, jump, drift jump, Potrero hill, Bullitt, Bay Bridge, barge, Twin Peaks, Financial district, Vermont street, Ford Fiesta, HFHV, Street drift, handbrake, Thrasher magazine, Josh Kalis, Styx, Come Sail Away, Trolly, 270, donut, anti lag, launch conrol, gopro

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