Monday, October 8, 2012

Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug?

Can women become addicted to semen, as if it were some form of drug? Surprisingly, scientific studies say, "yes."

This might raise some eyebrows among feminists, but scientific results do show this to be the case. They are not sure exactly why (chemically), but women can become reliant on a man's semen.

Iron Man

The semen must be introduced vaginally and not orally. Orally it doesn't seem to have any affect, probably because the contents of the semen get broken down and denatured from the stomach acids. The affective-chemical component is rendered useless during this method of application.

Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug?

What scientists have found, is that when a woman has vaginal sex with a man; and the man ejaculates inside of her, that the semen, if it is not washed out immediately, gets absorbed by the lining of the vagina and makes its way into the bloodstream. Once the semen has been absorbed, it has been found that it not only aids in relieving anxiety and depression in women, but also cuts down on the pain, discomfort, and cramps that occur with the pre-menstrual cycle.

It's found that, after a long period of time of semen introduced into the vagina during sex, that the woman will get used to the positive affects of the semen. If the semen is suddenly stopped from being deposited in the vagina, then the woman will have a return of associated menstrual discomfort and increased anxiety and depression. She will then have "semen withdrawls" and become more angry, hypersensitive, and irritable.

Biologically it has some logic in its nature of effect. While a man continually makes sperm, day-after-day and night-after-night, a woman only releases an egg once a month for fertilization. So the biological reason for "sex" as a form of just creating children is considerable lessened, as a woman is only fertile for a short period of time per month. However, there is an ancillary "pleasure" side of the sexual act that makes sex, at any time, pleasurable for both the man and the woman. This is one of the incentives that helps keep couples together, in that, sex is not only for creation purposes, but that it is also for pleasurable purposes.

This being the case, having sex for pleasurable purposes, irrespective of creation purposes, allows a man and a woman to engage in the sexual act on a more frequent basis, due to the reward of pleasure. Could it be that this is chemically related to the biological idea that a man will, thus, deposit his semen in a woman on a more frequent basis?

Who knows, really. Nature is quite complex and we really, truly, don't know much about how she operates.

One way for men to increase the volume of their semen is via increasing their intake of zinc, stopping smoking, and increasing their intake of water. Read Iron Man Penis - The Russian System to learn more.


Georg von Neumann

Can Women Become Addicted to Semen Like a Drug? Surprise! Britney Learns 'Gangnam Style' from Psy! Video Clips. Duration : 2.92 Mins.
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Korean pop star and YouTube sensation Psy gave Britney Spears a surprise visit on the show, and taught her his famous horse dance!


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