Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Birth of the Khalsa

The period of the 16th and 17th century was one of tremendous turmoil in India for the Hindus. There was all around persecution by the Moslem rulers, who also levied the Jizya tax as well as razed temples to the ground.

In such a scenario the need of the hour was to counter the Moslems acts of perfidy with force. But a dispirited Hindu populace could not think of anything.This was the period when the tenth Guru Gobind Singh hit upon a divine plan to counter the Moslems.

Iron Man

Accordingly he created a religious order that was to become the sword arm of the oppressed people. He created the Khalsa -meaning the pure to fight the Moslems. Guru Gobind Singh was a genius and realized that only a shock therapy could galvanize the moribund Hindu masses to take up arms.

The Birth of the Khalsa

Thus on Baisikhi day in 1699 he called for a congregation of his followers at Anandpur sahib in the Punjab. People from all over North India flocked to the place, to hear what the great Guru had to tell them. The Guru soon appeared on the stage in resplendent robes with a naked sword. He announced to the congregation that he would baptize five Sikhs and create the khalsa. He thundered that he would like five followers who were ready to follow him, even to death.

There was all round silence as the purport of the Sikh Gurus words sank into the minds of the congregation.The Guru repeated his words.History records that one man got up and approached the Guru and declared that he was ready to die for the cause. The Guru took him by the hand and led him out of the dais. The crowd waited with baited breath as the great guru returned with his sword glistening and soaked with blood. To all it was apparent that the Guru had severed the head of the disciple.

The guru asked for one more volunteer and history records that the guru took him outside and again returned with his bloody sword. He thus asked and got 5 volunteers. At the end the guru went out and returned with the five volunteers who were alive and well. The Guru had not cut their heads, but only a goat.

This was an excellent motivational ploy to galvanize the Sikhs.the guru created the khalsa and specified a form represented by the five K's. Namely Kesh (hair), Kirpan (dagger), Kanga (comb), Kacha (under garment) and kara (iron bangle)

The great Guru thus created a militant form of Hinduism that set in motion the creation of an Army that fought the Moslems. it was a first step to the establishment of the Sikh Raj a hundred years later. This day remains one of the most important days in Indian history.

The Birth of the Khalsa Super Paper Mario - Episode 41 Tube. Duration : 13.50 Mins.
Rating: 4.960891

We set out for the seventh land beyond Flipside, but find we've already been here!

Keywords: Let's, Play, Super, Paper, Mario, Super Paper Mario (Video Game), Mario Bros, Bros, Peach, Bowser, Luigi, Nintendo, Wii, Gamecube, Intelligent, Systems, RPG, Platformer, Story, Flipside, Lineland, Gloam, Valley, Bitlands, Bit, Lands, Francis, Chapter, Pure, Heart, Hearts, chuggaaconroy

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