Sunday, April 29, 2012

Indian Hunting Bows And Arrows

Recently, I was sitting in a doctor's office waiting to be seen and so I sorted through the magazines, found one on hunting, and leafed through it. I came across a section describing the latest and greatest hunting gear hitting the market including bows, arrows and other archery accessories. The bows' prices ranged from a low of 9 to a high of ,600. As I read through descriptions detailing why they deserved those price tags, I reflected on stories that my father had shared with me when I was a boy about when he was a boy growing up in Winona, Minnesota, near a band of Winnebago Indians.

Most Native Americans used a shorter bow than other primitive people. The standard hunting bow was less than five feet long, and some of the most convenient ones were only four feet.

Iron Man

The best bows were made of young elm, oak, hickory, ash, and dogwood. Ironwood was also preferred, but not commonly found. There were also elk horn and Rocky Mountain sheep horn bows, as well as buffalo rib bows, which were worked to perfect shape by the use of steam. They were usually made in two pieces, very difficult to make, and highly prized. A boy's ordinary bow was made of any kind of wood, but always that from a sapling, so as to get the necessary elasticity.

Indian Hunting Bows And Arrows

The continuous curve bow was not a style used by Indians. They made their bows so they were concave on the ends and convex in the middle because it was easier to control and didn't jerk the arrow off its true direction. As soon as the Indian had shaped his bow by whittling it, he dried it into its proper form, and oiled it while seasoning the bow to keep it supple. When thoroughly seasoned, he finished it by scraping and rubbing the bow with natural sandstone. He then tightly wound each end and the middle with flat sinew and notched the ends for the bowstring. The best bowstrings were made of sinew, though wild hemp and other materials were also used on occasion.

Throughout their native lifestyles, the Indian never saw arrows made of split wood. The young chokecherry and Juneberry furnished most of their arrows, though the coast tribes sometimes used reeds. The usual length was twenty-eight inches, including the head. They were about one-fourth of an inch in diameter and very light. The man's arrow was feathered with three feathers five inches long, but most boys' arrows had but two feathers, and these may be anywhere from two to five inches long, and were curved around the body of the arrow in screw fashion in order to make the arrow fly straight.

The Indians made arrow-heads of bone, horn, claws and bills of birds, and sometimes of clam shells. After the coming of the white man, they used iron. The stone arrow-head was apparently used by an even earlier race of people because they are too heavy to be used effectively with the native American arrows from more recent centuries. The Indian children would pick up stone arrow heads and play with them as a novelty much as might be the case today. Occasionally, a practical use for them was attempted, such as for shooting fish, but that's about it. A boy's arrow usually had no head at all. It would merely be sharpened at the point, or carved with a knob on the end, in which case no feather was needed. This was the safest and most convenient weapon for shooting in the woods, for it brought down all small birds and animals, and was readily recovered.

When Indian boys had successfully made their own bows and arrows, instruction on successfully using them began. The first thing they were taught was the correct stance. They were taught to take a position as though they were ready to jump from a springboard. Then they were taught to accustom themselves to the strength and spring of their bows, and to get to know their arrows well individually, their swiftness and peculiarities of flight. The greatest success in marksmanship, then and now, depends partly upon one's natural gifts, yet faithful practice produces both a significant degree of improvement and a sense of satisfaction.

The exceptional Native American archer, with his sinew-backed, four-foot bow and bone-tipped arrow, was able to shoot clear through the body of a large animal, such as elk or buffalo, unless he happened to hit bone. All Indians could kill the largest animal with this convenient weapon, using the quick off-hand shot. I'm sure all the advancements that have been made in modern bows, arrows and other archery accessories have added value to justify the price tags that accompany them. But the final results that one achieves still comes down to a certain amount of natural ability and lots of practice, practice, practice!

Indian Hunting Bows And Arrows Arabs Got Talent - S2 - Ep1 - دالية شيح Tube. Duration : 6.27 Mins.
Rating: 4.6397643

Mercy by Duffy شاهد الحلقات الكاملة على شاهد.نت Arabs Got Talent MBC4 http

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Information on Wimbledon

Three cheers for the dark green and purple! These royal and dignified colors are representative of Wimbledon, where tennis pros from across the world compete on the 19 rye grass courts of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. This well-known affair is held every summer for two weeks in London. This year, it is slated June 26 through July 9.

It is the third Grand Slam event of the year following the Australian Open and French Open, and before the US Open. The five main events held at Wimbledon include Gentlemen's Singles, Ladies' Singles, Gentlemen's Doubles, Ladies' Doubles, and Mixed Doubles.

Iron Man

Ironically, no British man or woman has won a Wimbledon singles events since 1936 and 1977, respectively. The history behind the prestigious landmark inspired the construction of the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum where exhibits include the social history of tennis, the development of equipment, videos of great players and interactive quizzes and databanks.
Also available for viewing pleasure are collections of tennis outfits, rackets, balls and other tennis memorabilia.

Information on Wimbledon

Any tennis fan knows that you are not truly a genuine fan until you visit Wimbledon. Between the extreme display of talent and the cultural atmosphere, there's just nothing like it in the world!

Information on Wimbledon RITA ORA - How We Do (Party) Video Clips. Duration : 3.98 Mins.
Rating: 4.49417

Get "How We Do (Party)" on iTunes right now! Click here: More On Rita Ora on iTunes: Music video by RITA ORA performing How We Do (Party). (C) 2012 Roc Nation LLC

Tags: RITA, ORA, How, We, Do, (Party), Roc, Nation/Columbia, Pop

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not So Lucky? - Messages of Death and of Life Too

Death and life perspectives are not often tackled in the spiritual sense; death is simply not a very attractive thing to talk about... especially when life is so full of the living...

One of the more unfortunate parts of my job, certainly in this technological age we live in, is I get many gory photographs and videos sent to me via email from interested people showing people either seriously injured, or worse, caught in the moment of their deaths.

Iron Man

One such recent example sent shivers of grief through me. A man standing atop an electric train, unaware of the powerful electrical hazard above, grabs hold of the electrical power lines. I'm not at liberty to describe the rest of this short video as I'm sure your imagination could fill that void, though I quickly suggested to the source that they might limit its further distribution. The title of the email was aptly, "Not so lucky."

Not So Lucky? - Messages of Death and of Life Too

There's something very eerie about witnessing death. I can only imagine what people who've fought in wars might have felt when experiencing such unpleasant reminders of our mortality and seeing their fallen comrades at their last gasp.

Inevitably, and ironically, the consideration of death points us back to the meaning of our lives. Whenever we hear of or are touched by death, we consider our lives and how precious they are.

We're so apt at not thinking about our death, but regular reminders of its ever-present possibility, without being morbid about it, can give us a unique and valuable perspective on life.

I came across this insightful quote:

"We live in a world conditioned by death. So we must be ever ready to die. Are we ready...?"[1]

If we died right now, who would we leave behind and what position would they be in? In other words, are we ready to die? In some ways this might sound ridiculous but it's an unavoidable fact--tomorrow is one day closer to that event.

What do we live for? If there is an afterlife (and I certainly believe there is) what will we be left considering when it's all too late, when we're 'on the other side?' When all is said and done, what will our lives say about us, and what legacy would we have left?

And importantly, for the others we leave behind, the ones facing the music of life without us, what will it be like for them?

We see here, with these important considerations made prior to our deaths, we can adequately prepare, and in so doing, begin living life from the post-death or eternal perspective. It's perhaps only when we live life according to an afterlife perspective that we will truly live with significance... now.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

[1] W. Phillip Keller, David - The Shepherd King (Milton Keynes, England: Word Publishing, 1986), p. 247.

Not So Lucky? - Messages of Death and of Life Too RITA ORA - How We Do (Party) Tube. Duration : 3.98 Mins.
Rating: 4.49193

Get "How We Do (Party)" on iTunes right now! Click here: More On Rita Ora on iTunes: Music video by RITA ORA performing How We Do (Party). (C) 2012 Roc Nation LLC

Tags: RITA, ORA, How, We, Do, (Party), Roc, Nation/Columbia, Pop

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dark Days For the Rights of Englishmen (John Mortimer's "Rumpole Misbehaves")

Is John Mortimer trying to wean us away from Rumpole? His latest Rumpole book, Rumpole Misbehaves, clocks in at a mere 197 pages of unusually large type. I suppose you can't blame an infirm 85-year-old man for writing economically, but neither can you blame his fans for wanting as much Rumpole as possible.

Anyway, in this new book (actually published last December), barrister Horace Rumpole is retained once again by his most faithful clients, the Timson family. This time, an "Anti-Social Behaviour Order" is being sought against twelve-year-old Pete Timson for chasing a ball into an upscale neighborhood and annoying one of its residents. Rumpole takes on the defense.

Iron Man

Despite a modest familiarity with legal terminology, I had never heard of an "Anti-Social Behaviour Order." (Neither had Rumpole.) In Rumpole Misbehaves, Mortimer describes it as a new procedure under English law that lets a magistrate issue an order against someone who may be accused of nothing more than annoying someone. Then, if the person violates the order, he's committed a crime and can go to jail.

Dark Days For the Rights of Englishmen (John Mortimer's "Rumpole Misbehaves")

And so, in Mortimer's story, a woman has accused young Timson of disturbing her peace and tranquility merely by playing football in her street. (The author apparently means "soccer"). Rumpole's attempt to defend the boy in Magistrate's Court with a speech extolling the ancient liberties of the English people is unsuccessful.

My first impulse was to assume that Mortimer was making this up. Surely an English magistrate could not simply order you not to do something - in essence, make up a new law that applies only to you - and then give you a criminal record if you do it anyway!

Even less could I believe that an "Anti-Social Behaviour Order" could be issued, as happens in Mortimer's story, on hearsay evidence, without the complainer's even coming into the magistrate's court.

But I had never detected any hints of Orwellian fantasy in other Mortimer stories, so I did a little research, and was alarmed to find that "Anti-Social Behaviour Orders" are all too real. They are already so well known in England that the acronym (asbo) is usually written in lower case.

I found that it doesn't take much for someone to be given an asbo. A person can get one for nothing more than - here's what the statute says - "conduct which caused or was likely to cause alarm, harassment, distress, or harm" to someone outside your own household.

So proceedings like the one against Rumpole's client are entirely possible, and not particularly uncommon. A person really can go to jail - for up to five years, two if he's a minor - for violating an asbo. And a magistrate really can issue an asbo on nothing more than hearsay.

Don't think this can be blamed on Margaret Thatcher. This law seems to have been one of the first measures the Labour Party passed in 1998 after it took power. ASBOs seem to be somewhat controversial in Britain, but they are apparently around to stay, and old-fashioned ideas of due process aren't allowed to interfere.

In the United States, surely, such a law would surely not stand. Our courts would strike down a statute like this as unconstitutionally vague, and our Bill of Rights gives people accused of crimes the right to be confronted by our accusers, not convicted on hearsay.

But the Brits seem to be untethering themselves from their heritage of individual liberty. "ASBOs" are just one of a number of sobering legal "innovations" in the UK. Ironically, they coincide with an internationalist trend in American jurisprudence in which some Supreme Court judges increasingly seem to look to the laws and judicial decisions of Europeans to help them interpret our own Constitution.

Sadly, England can no longer be relied on as a fellow keeper of the Anglo-American tradition of personal liberty. We're on our own now.

Dark Days For the Rights of Englishmen (John Mortimer's "Rumpole Misbehaves") RITA ORA - How We Do (Party) Tube. Duration : 3.98 Mins.
Rating: 4.491961

Get "How We Do (Party)" on iTunes right now! Click here: More On Rita Ora on iTunes: Music video by RITA ORA performing How We Do (Party). (C) 2012 Roc Nation LLC

Keywords: RITA, ORA, How, We, Do, (Party), Roc, Nation/Columbia, Pop

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Iron Daily Requirements and Sources

Iron is of great importance in human nutrition for healthy blood and vitality. Though it is considered as a trace element, it is responsible for oxygen transport and cellular respiration.
Iron is found in the body

1) as iron porphyrins in haemoglobin, myoglobin

Iron Man

2) as iron enzymes in catalase, cytochrome and peroxidases.

Iron Daily Requirements and Sources

3) as non-iron porphyrins in transferring, ferritin and haemosiderin. The iron content of the body is controlled by its absorption and not by excretion.

The total daily iron loss of an adult is less than 1 mg. During menstruation, the average loss is further 1 mg per day. It is excreted only in traces in urine, bile and faeces. The urinary loss is about 0.2 mg per day and adult. Iron loss occurs due to loss of blood in haemorrhage, loss integumental tissues, during menstrual period, and pregnance/labour. When red blood cells are broken down, the liberated iron is not excreted, but is reutilized in the formation of new red cells.

Whole blood contains about 45-50 mg of iron per 100 ml. All the red cells contain a total quantity of about 3 gm of iron. The rest of the body contains another 1-3 gm of iron. Iron is present in blood in two forms;1) as Plasma iron in the transport form-transferrin. It is in traces (0.10 mg per 100 ml) and keeps fluctuating inversely with decreased/increased rate of red cell information in aplastic/pernicious anaemias respectively.2) as Haemoglobin Iron which is about 50 mg of inorganic iron per 100 ml of blood, that accounts for 92-98% of total iron in blood.

Recommended Daily Allowance: The RDA of 1.0 mg/kg for infants, 20 mg for children, 25 mg for boys, 35 mg for girls, 24 mg for adult men, 32 mg during lactation is suggested. Normal diet provides required need. Adolescent boys/girls, and women during pregnancy and lactation need more of it. Infant lack in it as milk is deficient in Iorn, and foetal liver storage finishes in first 3 months. The body does not produce iorn; it absorbs iron from the food one eats. So the diet is a crucial factor.

Overload of iron occurs when the body can't get rid of the mineral properly. Iron deficiency brings tiredness, but fatigue is also a common symptom to too much iron. Unchecked it can be responsible for diseases like arthritis. Too much of Iron will give you nausea, cause abdominal pain, constipation, and a damage to liver and heart. It can be toxic in excess, and can lead to cancer (due to cell damage), and heart attack, especially if your LDL level is high. This happens because iron with the help of oxygen oxidizes LDL (already in high level) to clog the arteries. Antioxidants play a role in preventing the disease. Since the need differs with age and gender, always check for iron in multivitamin tablet you take, and look for required mg of ferrous fumarate/sulphate, which is better absorbed.

Dietary Sources: All wholegrain cereals, pulses, legumes, jaggery, fish, and animal foods like egg, liver, meat etc. (except milk, butter), and vegetables like dry lotus stem, cauliflower greens, turnip greens, lentils, peas, green leafy ones and fruits like black currants, water melons, raisins, dried dates are good sources of Iron. The assimilation of iron in the body requires enzymes and gastric acids, for which iron-containing fruits which has own enzymes and acids be encouraged specially for elderly people. The bioavailability of iron in plant foods is low owing to the presence of phytates and oxalates, which interfere with iron absorption. Significant amounts of iron may be derived from cooking in iron vessels.

The iron in the diet is of two types. Heme iron present in red meat, fish and poultry is absorbed better (15-20%) and non-heme iron found in cereals, vegetables, dals, nuts and eggs (1.5%) is said to be absorbed poorly. One needs a lot of vitamin C to counter this. Just add a few drops of lime on leafy vegetables or a glass of orange juice after a meal. The surplus Heme iron when stored in body is more harmful (with higher risk of heart attacks) than a non-Heme iron.

Whole-wheat flour chapatti is better than white flour bread or rice based diet for iron nourishment. Additives in soft drinks are known to be inhibitors or iron absorption. When tea is taken with a meal, it may depress the absorption of iron by as much as 75%. The body has to use its natural resources in trying to throw out the low quality of processed, junk/fast food, cold drinks that we keep consuming. Don't take iron along with a calcium supplement as it interferes with iron absorption. Know more about Iron Daily Requirements and its Sources

Iron Daily Requirements and Sources El Clasico - Khedira Goal 0-1 Real Madrid Tube. Duration : 0.78 Mins.
Rating: 4.5878787

Sami Khedira scores off the Real Madrid corner kick after Valdes fails to control the Pepe header and Carlos Puyol fails to clear the ball.

Tags: Khedira, Real, Madrid, El, Clasico, Barca, Barcelona, Victor, Valdez, Valdes, Carlos, Puyol, Pepe, Sami, ESPN, sportscenter

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Remarkable Halloween Costumes for Toddlers

Being a toddler is just a moment to a person's life. If you happen to have your toddler at present, you probably can't resist kissing and hugging her or him. Indeed, children are always associated with the word cute. They're little angels in the eyes of many. And maybe this is one of the reasons why many parents are fond of dressing their children in any style as long as they will always look lovely in special occasions like birthdays, attending mass and Halloween parties. As you may be aware, Halloween is just a few weeks from now. This is the right time to shop costume for your little one. Halloween not just restricts to adults and teens. It's because you can also let your little one play the role of impressing the guests. Halloween costumes for toddlers are widely available on retail shops as well as online. You can pick the ideal outfit as you wish. But if you don't have the idea yet, read on!

Choosing the best costume for your little one is actually easy. It does not require so many details. It will always depend on your child's taste and personality. Halloween costumes for toddlers come in various sizes, shapes, colors and textures. Most likely, being a superhero was every child's fantasy. Wearing this type of costume, they will feel that they're safe while walking along the road and collecting some sweets. This Halloween season, you can dress your child up like a famous superhero character. Superhero costumes come in full-body jumpsuits which definitely create a cool appearance. Some superhero costumes for toddlers are designed based from blockbuster movies like Iron Man and Dare Devil. For boys, these are perfect costumes this 2010.

Iron Man

If you think superhero costumes are just for boys, forget it because there are also replicas of female superheroes like Wonderwoman, Catwoman and Lady Zorro. In comparison to boys, little girls are quite choosy especially in whatever they wear. At the very young age, they started to get conscious. If that is the case, superhero costumes that come in plus-sizes are perfect options. As you wish, you can also add extras like necklace, wristbands, headbands and boots. You may also consider putting a wig and light makeup to your little girl's face to signify the look she wants to portray.

Remarkable Halloween Costumes for Toddlers

Halloween costumes for toddlers are not just about superheroes. It's because there are also funny costumes like Sesame Street monsters, Mickey Mouse and Friends, Super Mario and Animal costumes. But since its Halloween, you may consider buying scary costumes for your little one. If that's what you're up to, skeleton and witches are going to be a big hit this year. Scary costumes typically come in full-body jumpsuits with matching headpieces and prosthetics. But in order to make the costume more realistic, the trimming is definitely the thing that you should consider. Halloween costume is not just about the outer appearance though. It is also important to consider safety and comfort. There are costumes that contain dangling objects and these are definitely dangerous for your child. As much as possible choose an outfit that is made from soft materials like cotton and fabric.

Now is the right time to shop for costumes. You should bear in mind that Halloween will be celebrated once in a year and you should definitely choose the best costume for your child! If the guests are happy, we parents will surely be glad too.

Remarkable Halloween Costumes for Toddlers RITA ORA - How We Do (Party) Video Clips. Duration : 3.98 Mins.
Rating: 4.6794033

Get "How We Do (Party)" on iTunes right now! Click here: More On Rita Ora on iTunes: Music video by RITA ORA performing How We Do (Party). (C) 2012 Roc Nation LLC

Keywords: RITA, ORA, How, We, Do, (Party), Roc, Nation/Columbia, Pop

Monday, April 16, 2012

For What It's Worth (Psychedelia Revisited)

For days now I've been scouring YouTube for old TV and film clips to study the transition from bubblegum pop to psychedelic art rock. Now I just may be stoned and drunk enough to summarize my findings to date. What I witnessed was the emergence, not firstly but importantly, of the Beatles. This occurred around 1964, flooding the psyche of the American teenager and subsequently the consciousness of the world.

Prior to this seminal events had already occurred. Jack Kerouac and the so-called Beat generation had galvanized the mainstream culture of advertising and pulp literature into two distinct factions. On the mainstream side was, surprisingly, rock and roll, the music of rebellious youth. The fifties (actually the post-WWII forties) produced both rock and roll and the method acting of Brando, Monroe and Dean; charismatic; vital and life-like but at an impossible impasse with convention and tradition. Music after the swing era continued to swing, swing being a product and form of jazz, jazz conventionally considered an offshoot of the blues, ala Gershwin, et al, and gospel music, of which the blues can perhaps be considered a derivative. That was the mainstream.

Iron Man

Alternatively, literature had been charged up by a string of poets and writers, most all of whom were recalcitrant, lifelong alcoholics. Hammett, Faulkner, Hemingway, Crane, Fitzgerald, etc. whose works and aesthetic vision were transferred to film, often with jazz and later rock and roll scores. Up through this, or in spite of this, emerged Kerouac and the Beats. The beats listened to jazz, beatniks in movies listened to rock and roll. Interesting transition. Teenagers in movies began listening to rock and roll in emulation of beatniks in movies. This set up the dynamics of the coming decade, but adding to the cultural mix was Vietnam, the space race, the nuclear arms race and the CIA.

For What It's Worth (Psychedelia Revisited)

It was in CIA laboratories that LSD-25 was first synthesized, conceived of as a weapon of mind control to be used on enemy soldiers in the battlefield. What were they thinking? Probably something like, "we're fighting Asians in Viet Nam when we just defeated the Japanese with the A-Bomb and fought the North Koreans and Chinese to a standstill. How can we follow that up and defeat these yellow bastards in the jungle?" Of course! Create a weapon whose effects are strangely similar to, you guessed it: Opium, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, all rolled into one. It would be irresistible and the enemy would demand to be dosed! This psychological napalm was to be sprayed over the countryside in the crop dusting fashion of napalm and Agent Orange. But instead of lighting the enemy's ass on fire, their brains would fry and the bastards would think they were at peace! Hmmm....

That the stuff would get all over our own troops seemed to be the operative idea behind scrapping the project. However, ever ambitious, LSD25 continued to be manufactured. It was thought wise if the project was ever to get off the ground to test what effects it might have on our own people. Therefore scientists, philosophers and artists were recruited from academia to conduct controlled experiments with low doses of the experimental weapon. This was done during the late fifties and early sixties primarily in San Francisco, California, ironically the center of the nation's largest Asian population. Music at this time was staid and safe. Jazz had become incomprehensible be-bop; Broadway musicals were actively made into successful films complete with ballet derived choreography and classically derived scores. Often jazz was incorporated in the manner of early twentieth century composers Satie, Dvorak, Debussy, Rimsky Korsakoff, Ravel and Gershwin, et al. sometimes known collectively at Impressionists.

The beats were enthusiastic marijuana smokers, and the hippest among the hip were also heroin addicts. Now consider that many in the older generation were spurred into alcoholism by their own generation's rebellion. Taking that into consideration, we have alcoholics who'd gone through their teen years (Note: teenagers were 'invented' in the fifties by marketing firms as a consumer demographic upon seeing the rate at which pop records were consumed. Teens thus replaced housewives as a target audience for advertising, "Designer" products still years off) listening to, necking to, growing up with, the music of Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, and Rudy Vallee, some of the hipper elders turned onto Woody Guthrie who played regularly on the radio with his band the Weavers.

Kids were smoking pot because that's what real beats did. In the movies they were more often portrayed as alcoholics for some reason, and occasionally a junky would be presented as a hipster or vice versa (notably the films "Phantom Lady" and "The Man With The Golden Arm", one a pulp novel, the other 'serious' literature, as it were). The older and inevitably business suited men who had inherited their position, power and education from a prior generation of staid womanizing alcoholics, saw the youth growing their hair and generally drift. So when some among the young formed rock and roll bands along the lines of the pioneers of the fifties it was seen as a logical continuation of the youth trend and thus ripe for commercial investment.

So the Beatles appeared, followed by the so-called British Invasion. Then American bands began to emerge fashioning themselves along what was seen and now accepted as the perceived commercial template. Many of these bands were from California; many also had access to LSD and really good weed. Bands that been playing safe, happy rhyming chorus and guitar music for squealing and giggling girls began to play what they saw and heard in their minds. The sound became psychedelic and the lyrics philosophical and surreal. The girls were stoned too and dug it.

Therefore, what was bland and safe music deriving from Broadway, jazz and early rock and roll shot through with the hyper imagined clichés of pristine versus rebellious youth (let's say "Gidget" versus "Rebel Without A Cause") became something out of William S. Burroughs' Naked Lunch, Ginsberg's Howl and Kerouac's On The Road; a druggy swirl of hip noise that was to coalesce at a later date into heavy metal and Glitter Rock, which as by-products of the psychedelic movement then progressed into art rock and punk rock.

But before all that, the psychedelic movement infiltrated mainstream culture to such an extant that long haired psychedelic bands were regularly featured on prime time television and soon even appeared on kiddy shows and in cartoons (along with what had become prototypical beat clichés), the kid's shows themselves, ostensibly aimed at those younger than teens taking on a decidedly psychedelic feel. Evening sit-coms aimed at adults but watched by entire families pursued this cultural turn and in a final irony, the musicals Hair and Godspell (a psychedelic interpretation of the Gospel of Saint Matthew) brought the psychedelic movement to Broadway becoming the source for several mainstream pop songs.

Again, one might say that it was the Beatles that legitimized this adoption of such obviously drugged induced fantasia by the commercial media. But the Beatles did not create the psychedelic movement nor did it end with them. They were simply its most prominent cultural proponents. We have moved on.

Note: The psychedelic Mexican-American band? & The Mysterians, strongly influenced by surf music, are often cited as the first punk band.

For What It's Worth (Psychedelia Revisited) A DRAMATIC SURPRISE ON A QUIET SQUARE Video Clips. Duration : 1.77 Mins.
Rating: 4.958137

To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium we placed a big red push button on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text "Push to add drama" invited people to use the button. And then we waited... Discover here what happened or visit for more info. TNT. We know drama.

Keywords: Drama, surprise, TNT, viral, video, advert, Turner, Broadcasting, System, Duval, Guillaume, Modem, hidden, camera, ambulance, shoot-out, Kung, Fu, fight, police, gangsters, biker, sexy, girl, action, real, life, square, blood, TV, stunt, red, underwear, funny, American, Football, swat, Belgium, Flanders, guns, fear, innocent, people, button, push, to, add, vlaanderen, televisie, serie, actie, film, movies, bioscoop, voorbijgangers, wapens, Aarschot

Sunday, April 15, 2012

'Underground Hypnosis' - a Review of Taylor Starr's 'Underground Hypnosis' Course

The Underground Hypnosis course has been getting a lot of online attention lately. I usually try to review dating and seduction related programs, but I feel there is quite a bit of info in this program that is directly applicable to success with attraction and dating, so I want my readers to be aware of it.

First of all, I want to say that I believe this product to be way over-hyped and over-promoted. It's promoted as a hush-hush secret society type of thing. Like the author's life is in danger for revealing all these secrets. Yes, it's powerful. No, there aren't many people who know about it, but this is what I like to call "hype." Although the info is powerful, it's not quite as serious as the marketing makes it sound. The marketing doesn't really fit the product. It isn't even really about hypnosis. Yes, it uses a few hypnotic principles and techniques, but the main focus of the course is about social control and influence. It's more about being able to get others to follow you, being able to persuade others using certain psychological tools. I would classify it more as advanced persuasion tactics.

Iron Man

All that being said, the course does have its merits. Although called Underground Hypnosis, it is actually about a field called Black Opps by the author, Taylor Starr. It's actually a combination of techniques from the NLP, Hypnosis, Social Engineering, and Seduction communities. And this combination does present some very powerful persuasion techniques.

'Underground Hypnosis' - a Review of Taylor Starr's 'Underground Hypnosis' Course

The main strength of this program lies in a group of three techniques called The Majors: the Iron Man Pattern, the Black Mirror Operation, and the No Cleaver Technique. The Iron Man Pattern is used to gain instant confidence and social status. The Black Mirror is a way to get anyone to like you in a matter of minutes. Last, but not least, the No Cleaver Technique is actually dropping someone into a trance state, guiding and influencing them to achieve your goals. They can be used individually or in combination depending on the needs of the interaction. While some of the methods are a little bit off the wall, they do work and they work very well. Something I found really useful was a part of the Black Mirror technique called strings. It's basically a mental operation you perform during a conversation that allows you to keep the conversation going and steer it in the direction you want it to go. It's a simple tool, but a very effective one.

Another section of Underground Hypnosis that I really like and use in my daily life comes from the section entitled "Social Engineering King: Becoming the Alpha." I found a lot of useful information in there, and it is directly related to success with women, which is why I want to talk about it here. A key concept of this section is that the group, not the alpha, decides who gets alpha status. Therefore, if the group changes its collective mind, a new person can be alpha. So you never have to compete with an alpha directly, you simply have to get the group to like you more and follow you instead. Surprisingly, this is really easy to do with the steps provided in this section. Taylor Starr goes step-by-step through the process of entering a group, building rapport with the group, and ultimately overtaking alpha status. He doesn't go into a lot of detail about things like obtaining the alpha mindset or using dominant body language, mostly just conversational tactics. For more on that I would suggest How to Become an Alpha Male by John Alexander. (click here for my review of that product.)

With four full hours of audio instruction, this course has quite a bit of information. And it's good for the most part. However, don't expect to get much of anything from the bonuses. Actually, I think they cheapen the course rather than add to it. Also, don't expect to learn real hypnosis from this course. If you are interested in a real hypnosis course, check out How to Hypnotize by Steven Hall. Also, there is a super advanced hypnosis course called Conversational Hypnosis. It teaches real covert hypnosis techniques, and although it costs twice as much as Underground Hypnosis, it has four times the amount of material.

I've dogged on Underground Hypnosis a lot here (because I want to be completely honest with my readers), but it does shine is some places. Its hypey and over the top, but to its credit, it really does have the power to change every interaction you have for the rest of your life. The Alpha section and the Majors are top notch, in my opinion. If it sounds like what you're after, take a look and check it out.

'Underground Hypnosis' - a Review of Taylor Starr's 'Underground Hypnosis' Course Tyga - Faded ft. Lil Wayne (Official Video) (Explicit) Video Clips. Duration : 3.43 Mins.
Rating: 4.833274

Tyga - Faded ft. Lil Wayne (Official Video) Tyga - Faded Tyga - Faded Tyga - Faded Tyga - Faded Tyga - Faded

Keywords: tyga, faded, lil, wayne, tyga faded, faded tyga, tyga faded official video, official, video, music, clip, explicit, dirty

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Growth of Sail

The idea of sailing for recreation would have seemed ridiculous to the seafarers who explored the seas that cover two-thirds of the earth's surface, and who helped to develop nations through world trade and conquest.

Empire Exploration. Trade, exploration, and conquest were the driving forces that made the great seafaring nations prosperous and powerful. It helped to develop empires, for example the British Empire, and you may have heard the well known song including the words,

Iron Man

"Britain rules the waves". Key to these empire expansions was the domination of the sea and the ability of their naval designers, builders, and sailors to produce and handle the huge variety of sailing ships on which there power depended.

The Growth of Sail

Sailing and Trade. For thousands of years, the world depended exclusively on sail power, both for short and long distances across all types of waterways. Whether on great rivers, or seas or oceans, sail power was the only alternative to muscle power applied to paddles and oars. The Polynesian.In the Pacific Ocean, the Polynesian islanders developed the "proa", a unique multihulled craft, using hollowed-out tree trunks for the main canoe, with a stabilizing outrigger to help keep it upright. Although it was mainly paddles driven, it had a lateen-type sail for motive power. These fragile craft made many long ocean passages, with the navigator using only the stars in the sky, the wind, and the sea as his guides to making a distant landfall. The Chinese.The Chinese solution to sail power was the Chinese lugsail, commonly referred to as a junks. A junk rig had a short mast and woven sails, supported by long bamboo battens. These were an efficient solution, simple and easy to handle, easy to repair, thereby requiring a small crew to sail them. Arabians.The square-sail rig became common in most European countries, although it was really only suitable for sailing on downwind courses. Arabian dhows developed their characteristic huge lateen (triangular) sails as a capable sailing solution. A dhow could sail upwind well and was fast compared to square-rigged ships. Its disadvantage being the large crew that was needed to handle it, but that was not a problem in an area where inexpensive and amenable labour was plentiful.

Vikings. In every part of the world, ever culture developed there own solutions to harnessing the wind, and building boats proficient enough to carry people and cargo long distances. These local solutions therefore created unique craft, some of which still survive. For example, Viking longboats travelled thousands of miles under oars and their simple square sails.

Materials. Wood was the natural choice of building material for these ships, which come in all shapes and sizes, but, if wood was lacking, human ingenuity still allowed boats to be built from woven reeds. It was not until the advancement of iron and steel, which allowed builders to produce cheaper and stronger hulls, that wood began to be replaced with iron and steel as the main boat-building material. Designs for warships, merchant ships, and fishing vessels all evolved with the advancement in materials, to suit their function. This resulted in many types of boats; each with special strengths and advantages. The famous Thames Barges, for instance, evolved as the best design solution for carrying cargo in the shallow waters of the Thames Estuary and on the East Coast. These barges were sailed by a crew of two, usually a man and a boy. Hundreds, if not thousands, of boat designs evolved, each with its own specific characteristics to suit local needs.

Clipper Ships. Perhaps the design pinnacle of cargo carrying sailing ships was the magnificent clipper ships of the 19th century, so-called because they clipped short the time required for a given passage. Designed and built for speed, they raced across oceans to be first to market and capture the best prices for their precious cargoes of wool and tea. The Cutty Sark is perhaps the most famous clipper ship of all. The clippers raced across oceans to be the first to bring goods to Western markets, capturing the best prices. But the days of sail where numbered for the both cargo and warships. Steam, then motor outclassed sail for speed and reliability, although they came at a cost. Today, newer materials are also available, such as GRP and carbon fibre, which evolve further the advancement of sailing, and it subsequent maintenance. Sailing today now offers relaxation, competition, or adrenaline-surging excitement. This is depending on how you choose to enjoy it, and the type of boat you chose to sail in.

The Growth of Sail Jennifer Lopez - Dance Again ft. Pitbull Tube. Duration : 4.45 Mins.
Rating: 4.534846

Music video by Jennifer Lopez Feat. Pitbull performing Dance Again. (C) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Keywords: Jennifer, Lopez, Feat., Pitbull, Dance, Again, Epic, Pop

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sex Offenders-How To Protect Your Child

A 58-year-old man accused of molesting an 11-year-old girl and masturbating in front of her and her friends while watching pornography told investigators he was teaching the girls about sex, Mesa police said. James Wimbush was a 14-year resident of an apartment complex in Mesa, AZ. On Aug. 2, an 11-year-old girl who lived in the same complex told her mother that Wimbush had shown her pornographic videos on two separate occasions, according to police. Her 11-year-old friend was also present during one of the viewings, police said.

These child sexual molestation incidents could have been prevented, if people only knew what to do. There are seven compelling and powerful parent approved and child tested techniques to thwart would-be sex offenders.

Iron Man

The best way to protect children is through the power of education. It is paramount to teach your children how to protect themselves, whether it is online, on a playground, the mall or at home.
How can children protect themselves?

Sex Offenders-How To Protect Your Child

o Accept the fact that sex offenders are average and ordinary.

The unbelievable truth: Sex offenders conduct themselves as average and ordinary to the world. He or she may be a leader in the church; the community; or business. Sex offenders seldom fit a classic stereotype--education, socioeconomic status, career or culture.

o Accept the definition of sexual child abuse.

"The new definition of sexual child abuse relies less on the blood bond between the victim and the perpetrator and more on the experience of the child. Incest is both sexual abuse and an abuse of power. It is violence that does not require force. Another is using the victim, treating them in a way that they do not want or in a way that is not appropriate by a person with whom a different relationship is required. It is abuse because it does not take into consideration the needs or wishes of the child; rather, it meets the needs of the other person at the child's expense.

If the experience has sexual meaning for another person, in lieu of a nurturing purpose for the benefit of the child, it is abuse. If it is unwanted or inappropriate for her age or the relationship, it is abuse. Incest [sexual abuse] can occur through words, sounds, or even exposure of the child to sights or acts that are sexual but do not involve her. If she is forced to see what she does not want to see, for instance, by an exhibitionist, it is abuse. If a child is forced into an experience that is sexual in content or overtone that is abuse. As long as the child is induced into sexual activity with someone who is in a position of greater power, whether that power is derived through the perpetrator's age, size, status, or relationship, the act is abusive. A child who cannot refuse, or who believes she or he cannot refuse, is a child who has been violated." -E. Sue Blume, Secret Survivors

o Know the signs your child is or could be targeted

Self-protection offers a direct and effective method for children to protect themselves. Who, other than the child, is in a better position to protect him/herself? Sex offenders say they can sense a child to victimize. They can tell by the child's demeanor, body language, and facial expression. They sense the fear, the helplessness, the passivity. They chose a child who is easily intimidated or controlled so hopefully the child won't tell. Secrecy is paramount for the perpetrator.

o Trust your suspicions

Several people in this apartment complex stated James Wimbush seemed a little odd. Appropriate suspicion or a sixth sense is key to thwarting would-be sex offenders. The majority of people dismiss their suspicions as being an over reaction, ironically, this is seldom the case. And furthermore, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Sex Offenders-How To Protect Your Child Welcome To Belgistan -- The New Muslim Capital Of Europe Tube. Duration : 5.68 Mins.
Rating: 4.5789475

Learn more at

Keywords: Belgistan, Muslim Capital Of Europe, Rise of Islam

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dangerous Multivitamin Side Effects

There is a first rule we all should always have in mind and that is that all medications, whether multivitamins or not, have side effects. However, the safety margin of vitamins like other medication is determined by the severity or number of side effects involved. Some vitamins when given an overdose can have mild side effects while others have numerous and/or severe side effects.

It is advised that people should seek emergency medical help if they notice any of these signs of allergic reactions: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, urticaria rashes, itching, tenderness in the fingers, abdomen etc.

Iron Man

When taken as directed, multivitamins are not expected to cause serious side effects, except when over dosing is involved or when it is contraindicated. Less serious side effects may include: upset stomach; headache; or bad taste in your mouth.

Dangerous Multivitamin Side Effects

It will be impossible to mention all the individual side effects of each vitamin here but a few and important ones will be looked into.

Vitamin C: Many people will not believe that vitamin C can be harmful. It is of course, but only when it is being abused. Daily dose of vitamin C is between 600-800mg for up to 2 weeks. However, many people are fond of throwing in a tablet or two every now and then, and with the flavored formulation now available, it is easily abused. There is adequate evidence to show that excessive intake of vitamin C may lead to renal stone formation; a condition that may lead to renal failure if not properly managed.

Vitamin C excess can acidify our body fluid and lead to metabolic acidosis, a condition that can lead to dehydration and may be harmful to the body.

Iron: There is no specific side effect associated with a particular brand of multivitamin except in a very few cases like in the case of iron and copper. Overuse of iron leads to iron intoxicity. This is also known as iron poisoning and is responsible for a fibrotic situation of the liver called Hemochromatosis. Advanced conditions like kidney stones, liver Cirrhosis, cancer etc. are only late outcome of vitamin abuse. Overdoes of most metal nutrients will usually lead to organ failure in the long run.

Potassium: It is included in some multivitamin formulation and if taken in excess, may result in hyperkalemia a condition that could lead to heart block even in normal people.

Calcium: Abuse of calcium in any form is well documented to be capable of forming several forms of stones like Gall Stones, or renal stones which could occur anywhere along the renal system (kidney, ureter or bladder). An early side effect of excess calcium may also be seen as a cardiac problem, constipation and abdominal pains. So multivitamins containing calcium should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.

Side effects concerning Vitamins A, B, D and E are not very well know but do exist.

The interaction of certain vitamins with other medications taken concurrently could cause an otherwise harmless medication to become harmful. Multivitamin supplements like calcium or iron are well known for this by either increasing or decreasing the rate of absorption of the drug into the body. This form of interaction may have negative outcome. Because of the potential interaction, it is a good practice to take your vitamin and mineral supplements a few hours after taking your prescription medicines. A well known example is the binding of calcium with tetracycline.

Vitamin K overdose is suspected to have the ability to affect some processes in the clotting system in man. Though this is not very well established.

Magnesium overuse is popularly known for causing diarrhea. Zinc and other metals in high amounts are very dangerous to the body and their side effects may vary from tooth staining, polyuria (increased urination), stomach bleeding, cardiac arrhythmia (uneven heart rate), confusion, and muscle weakness.

Generally, the subject of side effects of multivitamins are not very popular as most vitamins have high safety margin. So the interest is mainly on the kind of drug interaction that occurs. Many ingredients of multivitamins are cofactors. For example, Coenzyme Q10, and catalyzes certain chemical reactions in the body. Excessive intake may cause exaggeration of these chemical reactions.

It is not common for multivitamins to cause the sudden seizure reaction. Some may result from interactions like this, it is therefore important that if you notice anything strange, like dizziness or twitching in your muscles after multivitamin consumption, seek medical help quickly.

Dangerous Multivitamin Side Effects Jennifer Lopez - Dance Again ft. Pitbull Tube. Duration : 4.45 Mins.
Rating: 4.5279236

Music video by Jennifer Lopez Feat. Pitbull performing Dance Again. (C) 2012 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Tags: Jennifer, Lopez, Feat., Pitbull, Dance, Again, Epic, Pop

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

High School Wrestling: Weight Lifting Options

Weight lifting (i.e. resistance training) is merely one component of the conditioning that a wrestler needs to do to prepare for competition. Nonetheless, it's an extremely important component.

Resistance training is valuable because it can increase one's strength, power, and endurance. Resistance training not only increases muscular strength, it also works the ligaments and tendons that are connecting bones and muscles thereby reducing the chance that they become injured when participating in wrestling. In addition, resistance training increases bone density which may keep you from developing stress fractures. The famous strength and conditioning coach Dan John writes, "I've come to describe building muscle as 'armor building' for the sport athlete.

Iron Man

With so many weight lifting options out there, what is a wrestler to do? Perhaps you've seen television infomercials for P90X and have been tempted to try it. Maybe you've looked at bodybuilding routines in magazines like Flex, Muscle and Fitness, and Iron Man. Maybe you've even looked at a copy of Powerlifting USA. Some of you may have watched Olympic Weightlifting when the Olympics are televised. Seeing a man clean and a jerk a huge amount of weight is very impressive.

High School Wrestling: Weight Lifting Options

But, what is best for a wrestler?

First, I would like to mention a man named Tudor Bompa. Bompa states, "Strength training programs for sports must recognize that almost each sport involves different and specific muscle groups. These muscles are called 'prime movers' or the muscles performing the actual technical moves. Therefore, strength training exercises have to target the prime movers." The sport of wrestling involves a lot of pulling. You pull your opponent's legs during a takedown. You pummel and fight for position. This is why exercises designed to strengthen the muscles that help you pull are really important. Your biceps, shoulders, and back muscles are all important for pulling strength. You also need grip strength for hand fighting and securing holds. You need hip and leg strength throughout a wrestling match. Therefore, focus on exercises that strengthen those particular muscles.

You may also want to consider whether it's off-season or in-season training. That's where the concept of periodization comes into play.

Well, that still leaves the question of what the best resistance training plan is for a wrestler.

Let's explore some of the options.

High Intensity Training (HIT)

High Intensity Training (HIT) was popularized in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus. HIT usually involves doing only one set of a particular exercise as opposed to multiple sets. This one set is done in a slow and controlled manner. One performs the set until he can't possibly do another rep. In other words, he trains until muscular failure. This is believed to build muscular strength and size. HIT workouts are usually brief and intense and done only two to three times per week. Champion bodybuilders Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer were HIT advocates. Other HIT advocates include Matt Brzycki, Ellington Darden, Ken Leistner, and Drew Baye.

HIT workouts are ideal if you are busy and have little time to train because they are brief (i.e. 30 minutes or less). However, some believe that always working to failure with limited sets has many drawbacks. There seems to be much debate about whether ones set or multiple sets produce greater strength gains. Studies have shown one set to be just as effective as three sets. Other studies have shown this not to be true. So, you may want to do some research before doing HIT. Some athletes have experienced great success utilizing HIT workouts so it may be worth a try.

Bill Starr 5x5 Training

Bill Starr was the strength coach to the Baltimore Colts when they won the Super Bowl in 1970. He was the strength coach at several US universities. He was also a US Olympic weightlifting champion and national record holder in powerlifting and Olympic lifting.

Starr focused on what he called The Big Three - the bench press, the squat, and the power clean. You can find different versions of his workout online.

As you can see, Starr's program used five sets of five repetitions. The workout also involved heavy, medium, and light days. Although he may be associated with football, his training will certainly work for wrestling. Starr is a legend in the field of strength and conditioning.


Powerlifting is a strength sport that involves three lifts - the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Powerlifters usually perform multiple heavy sets of low repetitions, focusing on strength and power as opposed to size. These three lifts are all good for wrestling. But, doing only those three lifts may not meet all of your needs. And, focusing only on heavy weights and low reps may not be best if done exclusively.

5/3/1 Workout

This strength building routine was developed by former powerlifter Jim Wendler. The 5, 3 and 1 refer to repetitions. The 5/3/1 workout involves basic multi-joint lifts. Wendler states, "The bench press, parallel squat, deadlift, and standing press have been the staples of any strong man's repertoire. Those who ignore these lifts are generally the people who suck at them. If you get good at those, you'll get good at other stuff, as they have such a huge carryover." According to the T Nation website, along with the bench press, squat, shoulder press, and deadlift, 5/3/1 includes assistance exercises to build muscle, prevent injury, and create a balanced physique. Wendler's favorites are strength-training staples like chin-ups, dips, lunges, and back extensions.

Power to the People/Pavel Tsatsouline

Pavel Tsatsouline has written a few books one of which is entitled Power to the People: Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American. Paevel isn't fond of HIT or bodybuilding.

Pavel states, "if you look at the training of the strongest people in the world, be it weightlifters, powerlifters, strongmen, whatever, there's one universal truth. They always lift heavy, in terms of percentage of one rep max, they always keep their repetitions low, and they never, ever train to failure." His workout promises strength without bulk.

Pavel doesn't care how much you can bench. The amount you can bench is irrelevant to your wrestling abilities. Pavel states, "Unless you are training purely for looks, you must focus on the strength needed for your sport, job, or lifestyle. When I got the contract from the state of New Mexico to develop new strength tests for their select Special Weapons And Tactics Teams, I did not contemplate the bench press or curls, but enforced ten pull-ups, ten rock bottom one-legged squats, and ten hanging leg raises." Pavel is about functional strength. Pavel also likes to do "ladders." For example, you do one push up, rest a second, do two push-ups, rest briefly again, do three push-ups, and so on. You work your way up the ladder until it starts getting difficult. Then you can rest and do another ladder.

You can some of his interviews, workouts, and articles online.

Density Training

Density training involves doing more work in the same amount of time or the same amount of work in a shorter period of time. For example, you could rest less between sets or perform more reps in the same amount of time.

According to Tom Venuto, some benefits of density training include increased time efficiency of workout, increased intensity of workout, enhanced fat loss by burning more calories in same time period, enhancing post exercise calorie burn, and increased natural growth hormone release.

Density training is touted to improve strength, power, and overall conditioning. Density training could help you to increase your push-ups or pull-ups.

Some names associated with density training are Charles Staley, Ethan Reeve, Bryce Lane, and Matt Wiggins. You can easily find articles about density training online.

Controlled Fatigue Training

Controlled Fatigue Training was developed by Ori Hofmekler. CFT involves combining strength and speed together in one workout. For instance, a CFT drill might involve running or sprinting with your hands in front of your face or stretched overhead. This is not as easy as it may sound. CFT is touted to make your muscle fibers stronger, faster, and tougher.

Every wrestler wants muscle fibers capable of generating and sustaining strength for extended periods. A guy named Mike Westerdal wrote a report entitled The Warrior Physique: Building the Hybrid Super Muscle you may want to check out. He states, "By combining cardio and resistance activities it causes the composition of muscles to transform from predominately type II or type IIb into Type III. By doing this, we are able to push beyond our genetic limits, much like the ancient Spartans, Gladiators and Vikings did."

You may want to research CFT and super hybrid muscle.

Circuits and Complexes

Circuits and complexes are very similar. You do a series of exercises, one after the other without resting. After you have completed a circuit or complex, you may take a short rest before you do another round. Circuits usually involve going from one exercise to the next with no rest. Complexes often involve barbells or dumbbells. The exercises in the complex are all done with the same weight and you don't stop until you've completed the complex.

Some names associated with circuit training are Bob Gajda, Steve Maxwell, John McCallum, and Matt Wiggins.

You can find plenty of articles on circuit training online.

Steve Maxwell states this about circuit training, "This type of training is extremely demanding! Not only does it bring into play a fair amount of muscular strength and endurance but it creates tremendous systemic fatigue, which some people have termed metabolic conditioning or met-con, for short. "

A name associated with complexes is Istvan Javorek.

Here is an example of a barbell complex. This is Istvan Javorek's Complex 1.

Barbell Upright Row x 6

Barbell High Pull Snatch x 6

Barbell Behind the Head Squat Push Press x 6

Barbell Behind the Head Good Morning x 6

Barbell Bent Over Row x 6

I wrote about High Intensity Interval Training (HIT) earlier. Well, HIT has its own twist on circuit training called 3x3 workouts. You do three exercises one after the other and repeat this sequence for three rounds. This is supposed to improve your metabolic conditioning.

Circuit training and complexes can be great for strength and cardiovascular conditioning. These kind of workouts can time saving as well. They may not be the best if your goal is mainly building brute strength.

Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight training, of course, uses the weight of your body for resistance. You have probably performed push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, and dips before. But, have you ever done dive bomber push-ups, Hindu push-ups, hand stand push-ups, Hindu squats, or one-legged pistol squats before?

Some people swear by bodyweight training. Others claim that barbells and dumbbells are better. Some say that resistance is resistance and it doesn't really matter.

Some good bodyweight training books areCombat Conditioning by Matt Furey and The Naked Warrior by Pavel Tsatsouline.

If weight training isn't your thing but you like push-ups, pull-ups and climbing ropes then I say, "Go for it."

Body for Life

Body for Life was a book written by a man named Bill Phillips. He founded Muscle Media, a bodybuilding magazine as well as the EAS supplement company. You may have read or heard about MRPs (meal replacement products). Well, his company produced one of the most popular.

Body for Life outlines an exercise and diet program aimed mainly at people trying to lose weight or simply get in shape.

I've seen the Body for Life workout referred to as a half pyramid with a drop set and a superset. It's very easy to understand. For example, if you were going to work your chest, you would choose two exercises like the bench press and dumbbell flies. You would do five sets of bench presses. You would do one set of 12, 10, 8, 6, and 12 reps for the bench press. That final set of 12 reps on the bench is the drop set. Then, you would immediately do a set of 12 reps for dumbbell flies. That is the superset.

Pyramiding weights is nothing new. Drops sets and supersets are nothing new either. People have indeed used this workout to get stronger and more muscular.

Body for Life is more of a bodybuilding routine although it doesn't use an excessive number of sets. You work your upper body twice and your lower body once during the first week. The second week, you work your lower body twice and your upper body once. You continue to alternate each week. This keeps you from overtraining.

This is not the perfect workout for a wrestler by any means. But, it's better than sitting on your couch doing nothing. You can find this workout online.


Bodybuilders are primarily concerned with size, proportion, and symmetry. They care mainly about how their muscles look as opposed to whether or not they are functional for a sport like wrestling. Bodybuilders attempt to build mass (hypertrophy).

A bodybuilder may use a large number of exercises, sets, and repetitions to achieve the size and look he is seeking. A bodybuilder typically stays in the 10-12 rep range. But, does bodybuilding provide any benefits for a wrestler?

Most wrestlers aren't trying to gain muscle mass. Wrestlers generally want to get stronger without gaining much weight. A wrestler doesn't really care how defined his quadriceps are or how big his triceps are as long as he is strong, quick, and powerful on the mat.

If you want to gain some muscle mass, then you might consider doing some German Volume Training (10 sets of 10 reps) or some other bodybuilding program for a short time. But, don't employ bodybuilding training all year round.

Wrestlers really needn't bother with dumbbell flies, triceps kickbacks, concentration curls, leg extensions, or other isolation exercises.

According to Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky, "In many sports, in many countries, bodybuilding is used to develop strength. This is a big mistake!" He goes on to write, "In sports where success is decided by split seconds and where victory hinges on speed of movement, power of muscular effort, and one's endurance for intensive work, bodybuilding is not effective."

A wrestler needs a strong, functional body. Bodybuilding can make you bigger and stronger. However, you can get strong using better methods more suited to a wrestler. And, gaining muscular weight may be of little value to you. Therefore, bodybuilding is probably not the best choice for a wrestler.

Strongman Training/Miscellaneous

Have you ever trained with a sledgehammer? Have you ever pulled around a weighted sled? Have you ever used a kettlebell, Indian clubs, Clubbells, or a Macebell? Well, it might be fun to try something new.

How Did I Train?

Unfortunately, I didn't know a lot about weight training back in high school.

At our high school we had an old Universal Weight Machine. Sometimes I would do a circuit around the machine, hitting each station one after the other. I might do the circuit a couple of times. I always enjoyed doing push-ups. At home, I had a bench and some weights. One summer, I followed a course my dad had called Bob Hoffman's Simplified System of Barbell Training. It simply involved doing ten exercises of one set each. The exercises were military presses, curls, rows, shrugs, and other multi-joint compound movements.

I wish I had known more about proper weight training. I was never really organized when it came to my weight training.

I grew up on a farm in the Midwest, so I also performed a lot of physical labor like carrying bales of hay and pails of corn and building fences.


You may want to keep periodization in mind when designing a lifting routine. You may want to lift for strength, power, and endurance at different times. Or, you may want to try to build all three of these at the same time. So, research linear periodization and concurrent or conjugate periodization.


Well, I hope I have given you some options to consider when designing your resistance training program. Resistance training is an important component in your wrestling conditioning. You can combine different options as well. You can lift weights and do bodyweight training as well. Just be sure to include some type of resistance training so you will be strong, quick, and powerful on the mat.

High School Wrestling: Weight Lifting Options Only Boys Aloud - The Welsh choir's Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition - UK version Video Clips. Duration : 6.98 Mins.
Rating: 4.940452

Watch Welsh choir Only Boys Aloud's awesome Britain's Got Talent audition in full! All 133 members of Only Boys Aloud sang their hearts out to impress Britain's Got Talent judges Simon Cowell, David Walliams, Amanda Holden and Alesha Dixon. See more from Britain's Got Talent here:

Keywords: Britain's Got Talent, BGT, BGT UK, Judges, BGT judges, Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, David Walliams, Alesha Dixon, BGT auditions, Only Bous Aloud, male choir, Welsh choir, school choir, britain's got talent 2012, britains got talent 2012, britains, got, talent, 2012, britain's, britians, simon, cowell, alesha, dixon, david, walliams, amanda, holden, ant and dec, ant, and, dec, uk, england, auditions

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Psychic Seduction Tips

The power of seduction is a gift. You must be charming in order to pull it off. Seducing the opposite sex might seem to an arduous task, but once you know the secret in doing so, it wouldn't be any problem for you.

When talking about psychic seduction, it is a form of seduction assisted by psychic powers. Love charms, modern ESP and psychic science assist this act. In a nutshell, psychic seduction involves the following steps: 1.) visualizing the person you want to manipulate in your head 2.) Focusing on the sexual organs of the person with the attempt to arouse him or her 3.) Total concentration on this can actually lead to the arousal of the person you are conducting the psychic seduction on.

Iron Man

By nature, man wants the most beautiful woman he can possibly get. The rich, the famous, the beautiful. In your dreams, people around us would mutter. Then we wake up from our dreams.

Psychic Seduction Tips

But you can actually take matters into your own hands. You don't have to sit and wait for your perfect woman to come along. You have to go out there, meet her and get her.

1. Do not be uptight. Women can sense if you are nervous. They know if you are constantly thinking about what your next move or words would be. Just relax. Be yourself. You do not have to change anything about you, just to please her. The ironic thing is that if you do change a part of your personality and all you are not at all comfortable, this shows. How can you seduce a woman if you are so frigid and uptight?

2. You must know what your mistakes in the past were. If you know that was a bad pick-up line, don't use it anymore. If your style turned some women off, you do not have to change it, you just have to improve on it.

3. Let her know that you are interested. If you exude this energy that you are attracted to her, she would feel this. Who knows? The thought of you attracted to her might even be seducing her that very minute. Then you can spice things up by knowing what to say. Women like it if men make them feel good about themselves.

4. Train your mind. You have to focus on your goal. Your goal is to get the woman. Now with that determination, your thoughts will be concretized by your actions.

5. Have the right attitude. The right attitude is fearless and not arrogant. You have to convince her that you are confident in your own skin. That is a turn on for most women.

6. Eliminate every possible obstacle. A go-getter succeeds. You have to be a go-getter. Let's just look at how movies do it. Those who do the chasing usually gets the girl. Step out of your shell and your comfort zone. Do not listen to any voice in your head that holds you back. You're doing seduction here, so the best way for you to succeed in seducing your woman is to convince yourself that you can do this.

7. It's in the approach. First impressions usually last. You have to pass through a woman's defense. Most women bring their shields out as soon as they sense that the guy is just into it for sex. If this is the case, the mind is no longer enough. You have to let your fingers do the talking by slowly caressing parts of her body like her hand or her shoulders.

If all these do not work, then turn to psychic seduction. Who knows, maybe mind over matter works here. But you know? It's true what they say, if you really want it and others can sense how much you want it, you get it. To put it in a more concrete example, if you want this woman so much, sooner or later, she feels it. Most probably, she'll get turned on and be seduced by the idea of you desiring her. See? You have succeeded in seducing her.

Psychic Seduction Tips Jack White - Sixteen Saltines Tube. Duration : 2.92 Mins.
Rating: 4.4858613

Music video for Jack White's new single "Sixteen Saltines" directed by AG Rojas. Pre-order his debut album BLUNDERBUSS at (C) 2012 Third Man Records under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Tags: Jack, White, Sixteen, Saltines, Third, Man/Columbia, Pop